Dr. rer. medic. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Pharm. Chemie David Hauck – Graduate engineer for pharmaceutical chemistry

has decades of experience as an employee and manager of renowned research and development departments in the field of natural cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.
Several publications and research results on the handling of natural substances are available on the market.
Dr. Hauck is a member of researching dermatological societies and is a constituent scientist of one of the world's leading natural cosmetics certifiers. In this framework, EU decisions are based on the research and contribution of Dr. Hauck.
He is an appointed member and leader of several scientific national and international board of trustees.
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Pharm. Chemistry Brigitte Hauck – Graduate engineer for pharmaceutical chemistry
Has years of experience in developing and manufacturing natural cosmetics of different brands. She identified in her diploma thesis the active substances of biological extracts produced by herself and analyzed their effects. Further main focuses are nutrition physiology and genetics.